Magical Creatures


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Dragons are beautiful, majestic creatures. They can have horns or no, claws or paws, barbed tails or club-ended tails. There are many different types of dragon, such as:

One thing all dragons have in common is scales. Not all dragons have the same types of scales. Steamer dragons and labrynth dragons have the same tough, reptilian hide, however the Sea Serpent and the Wyvern both have more delicate, smooth scales.


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Unicorns are large, white horses, and they are well known for having a long, iridescant, spiralled horns, commonly having silver or gold colouring in the grooves of the horn. There are three types of unicorn, though they can be percepted differently, depending on what book or legend they are from. These species are called:

The least common type of unicorn is the pegasus: it is very unknown for a unicorn to have no horn!


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 This is a picture of a Faery in a forest!

The faery (or fairy) is one of the most commonly known mythic creatures. It is normally perceived as being a small, beautiful lady with insect-like wings, however it isn't always. It has two types:

The one thing both faeries and pixies have in common is their size, but if you mix them up, you will never forget again, as these small creatures are VERY violent, despite their size.

Mermaids and Meingu

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 This is a picture of lots of mermaid shadows!

Mermaids are well-known as magical, half-fish ladies from fairytales. And that is pretty much all they are! However, the less-well-known Meingu are more complicated. Some of their most distinctive features are:


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this is a picture of a dryad

Dryads are magical, tree-spirits who have a connection with forests and plants - enabling them to manipulate the plants and use herbs for medicines.Their main features are:

Ogres and Trolls

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the comparison between an ogre and a troll

Ogres and trolls may seem similar, however, there are many differences. The characteristics of an ogre are:

While those of a troll are:


That is the end of a brief summary of only some of the marvellous magical creatures of myth and legend! I hope you had fun learning about them, and goodbye!